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Notice of GALZ Annual General Meeting

GALZ Annual General Meeting

Saturday March 30, 2019



The GALZ 2017 – 2018 Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday March 30, 2019 in accordance with section 12 of the GALZ Constitution. The venue of the meeting shall be advised in due course. The AGM will be conducted:


To receive the Report from the Chairperson

To receive the 2017 – 18 Financial Report

Agenda Items from Members


Any notices of motion (items for the agenda) must be sent to the GALZ Office in writing at least fourteen days before the meeting for them to be included on the agenda to the Director by the end of Monday March 18, 2019.


Please bring proof of membership with you as only members will be entitled to attend the meeting and vote.


Election of three Ordinary Members to the Board

The AGM requires the election of three ordinary members to the GALZ Board who will fill the positions left vacant through resignations and end-of-term. Members wishing to stand for office should submit their CV’s for consideration by Monday March 18, 2019.


Proxy Votes

In accordance with the GALZ Constitution members who are not able to attend the AGM but who still wish to vote shall be able to vote by proxy, provided that written verification of the absentee members consent is available at the time of voting.


We look forward to seeing you at the AGM


Chesterfield Samba
