1. Background
The GALZ strategic plan was designed to provide the organisation with a strategic framework for the 2017-2021 period. There have been many, socio-economic and political changes in the LGBTI landscape in Zimbabwe, regionally and Internationally since the writing and implementation of GALZ’s strategic plan, including the threat and impact of Covid-19 globally and shifting funding models among donor agencies, the change in Government in Zimbabwe and the increase in the number of organisations serving the LGBTI community in Zimbabwe. GALZ has been successful in engaging policymakers (Parliamentarians, Independent Commissions in the current strategy as well as teachers, healthcare workers, Journalists, Editors, religious and traditional leaders.
There has been notable progress around improvements in policies and laws governing same sex conduct in SADC, e.g. (Botswana, Mozambique, Lesotho). Increasingly the role of GALZ has morphed in country and on the continent and this role needs to be clearly defined through this process.
These shifts at a national and regional and Global level, place GALZ at a critical juncture. They call on us to revisit the GALZ strategic framework and to renew the analysis to develop a feasible and visionary blueprint for advancing GALZ’s vision and mandate within this new landscape until the next planning cycle in 2026. The new framework will be accompanied by a theory of change document, which together will comprise all of GALZ’s work.
GALZ is a membership organisation representing the collective interests of Lesbians gays, bisexuals, transgenders and Intersex people who are a sexual minority in Zimbabwe. It is therefore an interest group focused on playing a catalytic role in promoting the rights of the marginalised sexual minority. GALZ helps in lobbying for the rights of LGBTI’s influencing reform through the changes in legislation to enable the protection of the rights of LGBTI’s at law. GALZ is better placed as an intermediary to represent the interests of the membership, since it has greater capacity than the individual members.
3. Objectives of the Process
The overall objective of this consultancy is to conduct background assessments and facilitate the development of a comprehensive 5-year Strategic Plan for the period 2021-2025 to ensure that GALZ fulfils its mandate
Strategic Questions
a) How is the current operating environment in relation to the vision and mission of GALZ?
b) What lessons were learnt from implementation of the 2017-2021 GALZ strategic plan which can be utilised in the 2021-2025 phase?
Evidence from the situational analysis as well as input from the consultation and visioning process will inform synthesis and consolidation of the draft GALZ strategic plan (2021-2025) which will be reviewed and validated before finalization.
4. Scope and Focus of the Work
The scope and focus of the assignment is to provide technical, strategic and facilitation support to enable the renewal of GALZ’s strategic plan. After an initial document review, the consultant will develop an analysis framework and work plan to guide the assessment.
Consultant will conduct a thorough but focused assessment of GALZ’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats, with a view to identifying appropriate strategic options for the 2021-2025 operational period.
Review of relevant documentation such as those listed below. These will be provided by GALZ at the start of the exercise. Conduct Interviews with representatives from the Board, the Management and members.
The use of participatory processes is expected. Critical reflection by Board, Staff members and stakeholders is integral to this strategic planning initiative. As such, the Consultant will be expected to provide for active and meaningful engagement of GALZ Board, staff members and other stakeholders.
• Assess and analyze GALZ’s internal and external environment as well as stakeholders
• Synthesis of results and identification of strategic opportunities
• Planning and facilitation of a three day-workshop with Board members, staff and other stakeholders to prioritise strategic direction.
• Designing appropriate matrix using a Theory of Change to best align with identified strategic priorities
• Development of a GALZ strategic plan document and implementation plan.
• The process will be based on comprehensive context analyses and scoping focusing on the outgoing GALZ strategic plan (2017 – 2021), changes within the operating environment, lessons learnt from the outgoing strategies as well as the possible future direction based on available evidence.
5. Timing and reporting
The Exercise will not exceed more than 12 working days, Inclusive of preparation, assessment and report writing. It will commence on 8 December 2020. The first draft report will be submitted to GALZ Director not later than TBA. Comments on the draft report will be sent to the consultant not later than TBA. If written comments are not submitted to consultant by TBA, the consultant will proceed to produce a final report, which should be received by GALZ Director by TBA.
6. Expected Deliverables
• A strategic plan document including:
• Executive summary
• Background
• Internal and External analysis
• Strategic priorities
• Matrix to assess progress made in the attainment of these strategic priorities (using Theory of Change)
• Strategic plan implementation matrix
The Theory of Change will include an outline of the current position of GALZ, the envisioned position by 2025, the key steps to be followed, the required critical enablers along with the critical assumptions.
7. The budget
GALZ will pay for the expenses for logistical support such as transport to conduct interviews, accommodation and other related matters.
8. Management of the process
The management committee shall be responsible for co-ordinating the logistics of the workshop with respect to ensuring that the consultant gets the necessary support, that the consultant proceeds according to the set timetable and any other issues as they relate to the smooth implementation of the review.
• A Master’s Degree in the area of Planning, Public Policy, Development Studies, Strategic Management or any Social Sciences
• At least 5 years professional experience in strategic planning and management
• LGBTI issues, Human Rights development
• Zimbabwean civil society
• Participatory approaches in conducting assessments and facilitating strategic planning processes
• Familiarity with the Theory of Change approach.
• Strategic planning document preparation
Interested candidates can send their Expression of Interest (EOI) and CVs, no later than 7 December 2020 at 0900hrs) to jobs@galz.co